Sunshine Blogger Award Round 3

Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a nice day so far! I am here with my Sunshine Blogger Award Round 3.  Round 3 because this is my third Sunshine Blogger Award post. Here are my first and second Sunshine Blogger Award posts, if you wish to take a look. I was kindly nominated by Huda from She is an amazing blogger who writes about beauty and lifestyle along with some very important and useful blogging tips. I am learning a lot by reading her blogging tips.

Sunshine Blogger Award Round 3.

First of all, I want to thank Huda from the bottom of my heart for this lovely Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination. I just enjoy and love doing these posts. I truly appreciate the love and support you always have for me. However, I also want to say sorry for this delayed post. Sometimes I keep procrastinating and then life gets busy at the right time haha! 🙂

Here are my response to the questions that Huda has asked :-

If you could describe your blog in one sentence, what it would be?

I would describe my blog as bright and beautiful, because my blog is all about beauty for all the bright and beautiful women across the globe.

What attracted you to blogging?

A few years back, I was just addicted to watching all the beauty videos on YouTube and slowly started reading blogs. It just struck me that I should also start my own blog, so I could share my thoughts and views with all the like minded people, who are just as enthusiastic about makeup and skincare as I am. 🙂

What is your favorite social media platform?

I love both Twitter and Instagram. Both these platforms are almost equally favorite to me but I have made some amazing friends on Instagram with whom I interact on a regular basis. I feel closer to everyone on Instagram. So I will say Instagram. But I want to mention most of my blog traffic comes from Pinterest though. 😀

What is your favorite place to visit and why?

My favorite place to visit is US. For the past 6-7 years we visit US almost every six months. It is amazing how huge America is and we are exploring a little at a time every time we go there. Besides I get to buy so much of makeup and skincare products. I always look forward to going there. 😀

What product/item would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren’t going to sell it anymore?

I have two to mention. One my favorite Chanel No. 5 fragrance and the second is nail clippers hahah! 🙂

Which TV, film or book character would you say is most like your personality and why?

Right now I can’t think of any or may be I have not come across any character that is as simple and boring as me. If a Tv show/book/film had a character with the personality like me, I think it would not work hehe. I mostly watch and love reading crime thrillers and have seen some lady killers, I can’t relate myself to them, I am that good, unique and non-dramatic haha! 🙂

Whose advice do you always listen to?

Everyone around me keeps advising me. I don’t strain my brain much. I let others do the thinking for me. However, I always listen to everyone’s point of views but follow what my heart says. I advice myself accordingly but I am influenced by my husband’s thoughts though.

What food do you crave most often?

I mostly crave for sweets. But I have to control myself (Sad I know!). So I will go with all kinds of spicy Indian food followed by a nice yummmmmmmmy dessert. 🙂

If you could switch places with someone for a day (can be a real person or fictional character) who would it be and why?

I don’t think I would like to switch places with anyone. ( But I am still thinking)  🙂

Which animal do you think you are most like?

I think dog. Because dogs are loyal and trustworthy. I am similar in my personality. If you do even a little something for me I will always be there for you. 🙂

What piece of advice would you give to someone who has just started blogging?

I am not a very experienced blogger to give advice. But, since two years of blogging I have learned a few things. First and foremost do your research and try to be thorough with your content. It is time consuming you should learn to  prepare your to do list. Take clear and nice photos.  Start with 1 or 2 social media because social media will take away lot of your time. Consistency and motivation is important and be prepared with couple extra posts in case life gets busy. I agree with Huda do not compare yourself with others. Instead see how much you have grown through out your journey.  🙂

My nominations : I am nominating a few new bloggers whom I have recently discovered and some old friends whom I have never nominated. 🙂


Lena dee



I want to thank each one of you for taking the time to read my posts and giving your love and support. I really appreciate it. With this I will end this post and will prepare my next one ;-). Oops! I forgot to prepare my set of questions. Anyway, I will pass the same ones forward because I really enjoyed answering them. 🙂

Until next time stay bright and beautiful my friends! 🙂


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